
TRANSFORMATIONAL BEING & EXPERIENCE IN THE LIBRARY Part 1 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library The series begins with an introductory presentation of the fundamental concepts of adult experiential learning. The program also briefly covers: personality typologies, learning styles, and cognitive complexity. The objective of Session 1 is to provide a simple framework for understanding how experiential learning and self-development are related and integrated via processes of exploration and discovery in the library.

DYNAMIC PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Part 2 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library Session 2 introduces participants to a format for data capture, The Generator, and to a playful experiential tool, Go Fish. Participants will utilize both to explore and discover sources of insight in the book collection. The session emphasizes immediate implementation of fun and practical tools for self-development. NOVEL

PATHWAYS THROUGH THE LIBRARY Part 3 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library The question addressed in this session is: how might exploration in a library generate advice? How might a library’s collection serve as the equivalent of an oracle? The starting point of the tool is a resonant personal question. Then participants see what advice the library has for them on this day!

SERENDIPITOUS SEARCH  Part 4 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library Internet search engines offer powerful heuristics for generating novel information and novel results. Introductory remarks about randomness and novelty precede the session’s main activity. The group will set up a test problem, and use the Kartoo Search Engine to demonstrate a method for bringing together sophisticated web searching and profound human in-search capabilities together.

LEARNING IN PAIRS Part 5 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library In this session, individual explorers will pair up to leverage the power of two persons collaborating together to learn about themselves. Pairs of learners will be exposed to three different modalities and given a broad framework for setting up collaborative inquiries in the library.

HUNTING AND GATHERING  Part 6 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library A primary tool of transformative learning, Hunting and Gathering, is the centerpiece of session 6. This session serves to summarize by example the other modalities already introduced in the series. Learners will make an initial attempt to put it all together for the purpose of self-knowledge and transformational development.

THE TRANSFORMATIVE LIBRARY Part 7 of Personal Development & Transformative Learning in the Library The final session summarizes a vision of the public library as a resource for experiential learning and transformative self-development. It will range widely over potentials revealed by learning-by-doing in the environs of the library. Participants can, during the final session, share their own innovative views on how transformation can come about in the library.