Monthly Archives: March 2005


Ken Miller desolves Phillip E. Johnson in this exchange of letters about intelligent design. Johnson is, in my estimation, the worst philosopher who has ever descended from primitive primates. But his inability to fit together his propositions logically is not as pathetic as the content of those propositions.

PBS.NOVA How Did We Get Here (1996)

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Filed under science


While I was working on the links page on the SQ1 web site, I revisited many sites I look toward when I want to appraise or roll around in the vast tracks of outsider or excluded knowledge; what one isn’t supposed to know, in short. If the WWW could be said to have a portal for this kind of tea party, it is certainly found @disinformation. I couldn’t include every such outsider site on the links page because I didn’t want to tip the balance. After all, I am basically a severe skeptic and rigorous trickster. LOL Still, if you wish to go there, here are some of my favorite locales on the edge. Robert Anton Wilson Home Page; RAW of the wild and a recent failed gubernatorial run in Cali.

Then there is the self skeptical free zone of Traditionalism

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Filed under cultural contradictions


Elsewhere I am likely to make personal comments about world events. I make an exception this evening here. The Schiavo case is for me, a phenomonologist with archetypal leanings, the bookend to Gibson’s The Passion of Christ. In The Passion, relentless suffering of the sancrosanct object The Christ; in the flesh and blood of T.S. the relentless and solipsistic suffering of those for whom she is their object. The ‘sensitive’ in the afermath of their encounter with the simulcra Christ, (crudely outfitted with the special ‘effects,’ while in real time actual unspeakable suffering was visited on peoples in the crucible of civilization – not effects, but effective,) would easily cathect the simulated cinematic crucifixion into, for them, personal catharsis. Sure, one is moved, yet to what?

The unsaid word is, of course, Mercy. And, over many daily ‘news cycles’ it is Mercy itself that is so sunk into the shadow of humanity. For it is Mercy that is unspoken, unheard, and it is Mercy that cannot be roused. The hideous consequences of scapegoating Mercy are incalculable. As for Terri, why wouldn’t we prefer her to be released to the peace of the afterlife if we’re inclined to hope Paradise exists?

Until we allow Mercy to happen, unfold, for God knows Best, we will have war and wars like this. Cinematic portrayals will enthrall us. We will do everything to avoid any understanding at all while calling out a “culture of life” with the stench of death all around us; cluster bombs not flowers.

It has all been merciless.

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Filed under current events, Religion


Are some experiences more “experiential”?

Scale of Experientiality. Gibbons and Hopkins (1980)

(The schema embedded in the paper is a thought provoker.)

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Filed under experiential learning


In my trolling for items of interest, I happened upon a terrific resource, the web site of Yannis Karaliotas. He’s an explorer and scholar with very similar affinities to my own. His paper, “The Element of Play in Learning” is among the many keepers at his site. The subtitle to the paper is “The Role of Synergetic Playful Environments in the Implementation of Open and Distance Learning”. Yup.

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Filed under adult learning


My own sense is that C.G.Jung’s lifework becomes mostly phenomenological and echoes his Jamesian roots profoundly in its last stage, when his alchemical inquiry moves into peculiarities of soul-making unable to be encompassed by a dualistic psychology of complex and transference. (It is in this last stage that Jung’s psychology truly becomes paradoxical and justifies the essence of ‘irrational facts’.) This crossover finds a place in the post-Jungian universe firstly through James Hillman.

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Filed under analytic(al) psychology


Well, how about this: the idea that within the US administration there are rogue tentacles that go around the world doing exactly the same but almost entirely out of any centralized control system? To me, that is even scarier.

To me too. Well put, Helena.

Helena Cobban Just World News Blog

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Filed under current events


Cleveland, Ohio, (post-modernized to be “NEO”) is where I’m at. It’s a region slogging through its post-industrial dark night: post-industrial, ambivalent, self-deprecating, unfashionable, fragmented, and liminal. It’s neither old or new age, nor is it progressive or regressive. NEOland is poor at its heart and wealthy at its extremities. Creative energy moves fitfully through its sclerotic arteries. It’s feudal too; . . . a delapidated city-state, who’s guardians go unguarded. Its crisis is a crisis of arousal.

What’s fascinating is how the short ‘half-life’ of so much in CleveNEO, political celebrity, sports teams, its various articifaces: hall of fame, office parks and malls; industries, night spots and almost every ‘initiative,’ hides a grubby tenacity.

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Filed under Kenneth Warren


The Dalai Lama was being interviewed and was asked about his devotion to the concepts of non-violence and compassion and respect for all forms of life, however big or small. The interviewer asked what he would do if a mosquito landed on his arm, intent on biting him. The Dalai Lama lightly brushed one hand across his arm and answered that he would do his best just to wave the bug away without harming it. But what if it landed again, and bit him this time? Well, the answer came, the mosquito is a living creature and needs to eat just like every other living creature. So, let it eat. But, the interviewer asked, what if it landed a third time and tried for another bite? The Dalai Lama slapped his hand down on his arm, laughed, and simply said, “Karma!”

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Filed under humor