Daily Archives: October 3, 2006


Dave Snowden refashions the affectual component of the transformative learning model for the sake of innovation.

I have long argued that there are three necessary, but not sufficient conditions for innovation to take place. These are:

  • 1. Starvation of familiar resource, forcing you to find new approaches, doing things in a different way;
  • 2. Pressure that forces you to engage in the problem;
  • 3. Perspective Shift to allow different patterns and ideas to be brought into play.

Creativity is just one way, and not necessarily the most effective to achieve perspective shift. In fact I am increasingly of the opinion that creativity is not a cause of innovation, but a property of innovation processes, its something that you can use as evidence of innovation, but not to create it. full post: Culture and Innovation

STARVATION -> PRESSURE -> SHIFT match neatly with the (my) instrumental model, EXLORATION -> DISCOVERY -> INSIGHT. The preliminary phase of the latter model, intention could be covered in affectual terms by many possibilities. One could be frustration. Another could be ambivalence. Both note the beginning has to do with recognition of something being played out and this obviously plugs neatly into exhaustion. Shift in affectual terms might be experienced as Release into ease, or flow, etc.

It is tacit with respect to my own sense of modeling perspective change that affect and eros underlie the learning phases. They are hidden and decisive factors inasmuch as, for example, exhaustion hopefully leads to vitalization. The affectual undercurrent of the apprehension of innovative potential may be particularly revitalizing at the point an experiment may be identified and soon implemented. To give a new idea a test is energizing. It’s the move through discovery to the possible test realized in the perspective shift that exhausts exhaustion.

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