Daily Archives: July 28, 2010

Series: Meta Genesis

Metabiogenesis (S.Calhoun 2010) click for large version

Metacosmogenesis (S.Calhoun 2010) click for large version

(chosen, appropriated frames, using Dreamlines; hat tip to Leonardo Solaas)

Give your mind to the true reasoning I have to unfold. A new fact is battling strenuously for access to your ears. A new aspect of the universe is striving to reveal itself. But no fact is so simple that it is not harder to believe than to doubt at first presentation. Equally, there is nothing so mighty or so marvel- lous that the wonder it evokes does not tend to diminish in time. Take first the pure and undimmed luster of the sky and all that it enshrines: the stars that roam across its surface, the moon and the surpassing splendour of the sunlight. If all these sights were now displayed to mortal view for the first time by a swift unforeseen revelation, what miracle could be recounted greater than this? What would men before the revelation have been less prone to conceive as possible? (Lucretius)

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