Daily Archives: September 18, 2010

A Hopeful Leader

Sarah Haile-Mariam. While earning her B.S. in Communications at New York University, Sara volunteered as a grassroots organizer, surrogate and out-of-state coordinator for the New York Obama campaign. Sara spoke on behalf of the campaign at rallies and town halls in New York City and on television, emphasizing the importance of young people’s participation in politics. Since the campaign, Sara has continued to write about youth activism, contributing to Global Grind and the Huffington Post. She also served as campaign coordinator for David Yassky’s campaign for New York City Comptroller. (soure: bio @campusprogress

Ms. Haile-Mariam’s other interviews at the recent Glen Beck Washington DC festival can be found at the bottom of her bio page, along with her other contributions.)

Here’s her address to the Campus Progress organization.

Finally, she was on CSPAN June 10, 2010, speaking about youth activism.

She’s my new heroine. In a better world, over-matched idealogues and the regularly ignorant would surrender. But, such a world wouldn’t be very amusing. By all means, checking out her other videos from the Beck rally, Birther Speaks out at Glenn Beck Rally, Black Tea Party Leader Speaks Out at Glenn Beck Rally, We’ll Always Have the Memories of Glenn Beck Rally.

During this Tea Party summer-into-fall, I’m reminded how different things would be if just the millennial generation would get out and vote. Generally, voting participation increases the more educated, affluent, and, older a person is. The high school degree carrying, and high school drop out, under-30 segment votes the least of any segment.

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