Daily Archives: January 20, 2015

Justified Rides Off


Justified, FX channel, is my favorite TV show. It satisfies a simple prejudice: I have long loved the writing of the brilliantElmore Leonard. The show’s protagonist, Raylan Givens, was created by Leonard.


You got to know Leonard fairly well before he passed away, right? Do you feel like spending a lot of time with him helped you get a sense of who Raylan was?
All the good things about Raylan — they came directly from Elmore. You mentioned the old-fashioned manners and the stoic hero thing, but the thing about Raylan that people really responded to, if I had to guess, was that he seemed effortlessly cool. And that’s Elmore Leonard to a tee. The guy was genuinely cool. It was never a pose with him. You can go into any party or public gathering, and you’ll see lots of people trying to act cool, and then there’s always one person off in the corner, not doing much, who’s the real deal. That was Elmore. (Rolling Stone interview with Timothy Olyphant)

Leonard was so tickled by Olyphant’s characterization, and they became friends, he revived his own character for a fourth story.


The show is very violent. It also is sweet too. It often is very funny. It features as a supporting co-star, maybe among the handful of this generation’s greatest tv character actors, Walton Coggins. He plays the villainous foil to Olyphant’s US Marshall, Raylan Givens. The show benefits from its terrific consistency of writing and acting. Those two strengths have even carried it through entire streaks of plotting miscues.


Season Six | Justified Wiki

Timothy Olyphant is either famously charming, or, as Natalie Zea, Raylan’s estranged wife on Justified, has blurted out, “a dick.”


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Music – a year, a very good year


The greatest rock band of 2014, Wussy.

Hoon the Muso has posted a series of blog articles highlighting some of the music that brought him pleasure and provocation in 2014. the series of posts, the so-called yearly recap

I have several alter-egos. These other meez each serve a purpose.


Kamelmauz : my creative counterpart invested in and dedicated to doing sonic or musical experiments utilizing ears, steel guitars, synthesizers, odd instruments, percussion.

Kamelmauz put out a recording last year, his seventh. It consists of odds and ends from 2010-2014.

Hoon the Muso : coming from my high school nickname, Hoon #2, then from 1971-1992, Hoon. Hoon the Muso was the record store, and music biz close confidante, and radio broadcaster, engagements that ate up chapters from 1970-1974, 1976-1987, 1995-2000. This morphs into Hoon the Muso, ace record collector and colleague of the last muso circle with Dusenbury and Dr. Bill.

Dub Collision: compiler of cassette and compact disc compilations–starting in 1976.

oh, yeah. . .

polymath or dilletante, charlatan or simpleton?

Dr.Puck : thanks to Ken, my post-professional and faux-academic pretensions, mercurial personality, promethean aspirations, and counter-cultural background are nicely summed by this naming, one that comes in handy in meta-logues, for which Dr.Puck is interlocutor, and, for blog commenting.



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