
Might as well make a second entry to briefly identify the practical application. In my work I am not in the least bit interested in implementing any act of substitution of what works for me for what works for my Socratic associate. What matters is what works for us both given the intention to work through and out of, (usually, down and out of,) what is, in my terms, the initial box of folly praising itself .

At the same time my practice is called into the circumstance of a challenge to be better defined through a creative dialogue. Most often the beginning of the playful work is focused on recognition of the ‘control panel’. So: how to manipulate the controls? How to: adjust the velocity, flexibility, receptivity, the focal points?

There can soon develop the experiential sense that the map exists, yet is not the territory. Also: that there are energetics, logical and artistic relations, and, soon enough, that here is positive learning and negative learning. This latter modality is not negative, bad, but is negative, “casting away”. Learning how to learn requires as much!

Elsewhere, (with respect to my own publications,) this is rooted in the constructive terms of adult learning. It is enough to pose very broad conceptions: intention, exploration, discovery, insight, and, in the assimilation of insight, the captivating accommodation to liberative experience. I cannot make any claim for this other than to suggest that transformative experience causes a pervasive result; the person-system is irrevocably changed. Often enough this means personal purpose strikes a higher chord too. Down and out leads to up and out.

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