Tag Archives: nogutsnoglorystudios

Siren Song

There’s something comforting about leaving the TV on and tuned to the World Cup and hearing the vuvuzela peek through the sonic ambience of the house. When I first heard the singular drone, I commented, “I like that, it sounds like a whale song.” As it is with anything capable of plying a drone, I want one.

In the middle of June I posted a wide-ranging mix of South African music on the nogutsnoglory studios blog. Git it.

South Africa is large in my musical cosmos. It’s probably where music, in effect, started many tens of thousands of years ago.

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Update – nogutsnoglorystudios

Dub Collison mix – Family Blessing
Jazz. Downloadable with a streaming taste. enjoy

I refashioned the cover for the mix into some more naive! art.

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[flashvideo filename=http://www.squareone-learning.com/video/serene_alleluias.flv width=”512″ height=”288″ bufferlength=”30″ /]

buffer needs 30 seconds:total video length is 30 minutes

I’ve assembled two versions of my latest ‘learning curve’ experiment with iMovie. This is the classical version, Serene Alleluias, (title taken from Messiaen’s Serene Alleluias of a Soul Desiring Heaven of a Soul Desiring Heaven, that closes the music track,) and the jazz version, In a Silent Way, is posted over on nogutsnoglory and a lo-fi version on transformative tools. These versions in flash at 15fps don’t do the 24fps HD production justice, so if you want something more deluxe track me down.

I’d like to start making my ‘world hed music’ in mixed-media formats. The assembled two voyages, authored under my design pseudonym Hippie Goat, exceeded my expectations.

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