Tag Archives: Sonny

Sonny & Steel

Sonny & Steel


A member of the Pedal Steel Guitar Forum asked lap steelers to post pictures of his or her herd. I obliged, although Sonny apparently wanted to be in the picture.




Sonny turns two in January. Here’s a pick from the old studio, taken when he was about three months old. Sonny came into our lives because we happened to have an appointment at our vet the day after somebody left a box full of kittens in their parking lot. Sonny, named after Sonny Rollins the jazz saxophonist, was playing in a waste basket of shredded paper when one of the assistants pulled him up and out so Susan and I could see “The kitten nobody has spoken for yet.”

“We will take him off your hands.”

(Incidentally, this was a very good example of serendipity, and, in technical terms, this exemplifies the requisite structure of dependent realized contingencies that interlock (or conjoin,) to construct a ‘fortuity.’)



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Kizzy & Glori, and an Update

Glori & Kizzy

Kizzy and Glori, on the bed, and, their being still, in such close proximity, makes this a rare shot.

Lots happening…Susan and I are searching for a house; I’m still remediating vinyl records and packing compact discs after the great water tank leak disaster five weeks ago; matters having to do with our mother’s estate; and, to boot, we’re in the midst of an election season between Mr. Etch-a-Sketch, and, Mr. Did You Say Hope?

Post Soggy

Half of the seriously dampened recordings in queue for re-mediation.

This has ground to a halt: music making, art creating, long phone chats with my co-conspirators, and, plowing away on research about serendipity in human development. And, as it has come about, this last endeavor will turn out to be an echo of the popularization of Serendipity! that has suddenly burst into the scene in a sudden flurry.

Nevertheless, there is always room for the saving feline graces provided by our four cats, Glori, Sassy, Kizzy the Kizzinator, and, Sonny, aka Sonny the Flying Cat.

Sassy Being Sage-like

Sassy Being Sage-like


Sonny Hangin' Out with Poppy

Sonny Hangin’ Out with Poppy

Sonny note–this photo was snapped in the studio almost three weeks ago. Sonny, who is ten months old, is a lot bigger today. My guess is that he’s 20% bigger than Glori was at the same age and may be headed to the a portion of the size Maine Coons can achieve.




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