Monthly Archives: November 2011

Teaching Cartoon: Tools Prior to Category Errors



Lu Gen of the Tang dynasty was styled
Jingshan: he was a man of Wu prefecture. In
his official career he reached the post of
inspector of Shexuan, and also was a member
of the supreme court. He first asked Nanquan,

“I’ve raised a goose in a bottle, and it
gradually grew too big to get out; now, without
damaging the bottle or injuring the goose, how
would you get it out?”

Nanquan called to him, “Sir!”

Lu Gen responded, “Yes?”

Nanquan said, “It’s out.”

Lu Gen was awakened at this.

English translation by Thomas Cleary

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Filed under experiential learning

Free Play Bon Voyage

Dave Kolb
Dave Kolb, founder of Free Play Softball, playing his last game of the 21st (?) season, before heading off to Hawaii for 7 months. Dave’s got a sweet, flat economical swing he’s been working on for sometime now.

In my ten years in the Free Play Softball ‘experience,’ we’ve played twice into the middle of November, and one of those times even played in December once. This November has been sweet after a very soggy spring and summer, in which there we were rained out five times.

After the game, Dave presented Mark Jr. with the archive of scoresheets from the league’s history. He showed us what he thought were the earliest ones, and spoke of their era by noting “Well, these are not the earliest games because for a few years we didn’t keep score.” Butn the sheet o early scores didn’t look like any scoresheet I’d seen for a scratch, pick-up softball game. The sheet was delightfully inscrutable and mystical-looking.

free play roster

Last game of the season? We’ll see.

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Filed under experiential learning

ARK: Three Pieces

Motion Study
Motion Study

The Wanderers
click for large version

Blue Immersion
click for large version

Blue Immersion edited and reconfigured for cover of most recent Kamelmauz production

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Filed under visual experiments, my art

It’s Not Like There Haven’t Been Warnings

There’s a confusion about ‘smarts.’ There’s nothing about the skill set required to pilot an aircraft which makes ignorance ‘elsewhere’ impossible. Similarly, that Michelle Backmann was a tax attorney doesn’t verify her advanced mental capabilities across the spectrum, especially including that of elementary mathematics. The string of appalling, jaw-dropping assertions, each flavored by intense stupidity, is–some would say–simply par for the course of the campaign year.

How is it that the Grand Old Party can align itself with what is termed ‘Conservatism’ and, at the same time, not understand that proudly showcasing abject stupidity is itself not a conservative value in any way, shape or form? The supposedly normative claim made by conservatives–at the higher end of the cognitive spectrum–is: that conservatism’s foundationalism enjoins wise observer and political actor to join sideways-looking pessimism and upward-looking faith in the most realistic, humbling, prudently liberal, and intelligent understanding, about human nature and human society. It is taken as gospel truth, then, that the conservative mentality and intellect is by definition superior to the alternative or opposing instances.

They Think You're Stupid

Irony is alive and well

But isn’t this claim obviously and riotously undermined by the current flag-bearing exemplars of what really cannot count as thoughtful fronting of conservative values/principles because each in different ways is so remarkably ignorant?


A friend of mine hadn’t seen Bad Lip Reading’s dadaesque work. Here are my three favorites.

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Filed under humor

Teaching Cartoon: Efficacy

S Harris

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Filed under experiential learning


Fall Foliage

Lovers of Truth- rise up!
Let us go toward heaven.
We have seen enough of this world,
It’s time to see another…

No, no- don’t stop here.
The gardens may flow with beauty
But let us go to the Gardner Himself.

Let us go,
Bowing to the ocean
like a raging torrent.

Let us go,
Riding upon the foaming waters
of the sea.

Let us travel from this desert of
Hunger and tears
To the feast of the newlyweds.

Let us change our expression
From one of saffron
To the blossoms of the Judas tree.

Our hearts beat fast
We tremble like leaves about to fall.
Let us become the immovable mountain.

There is no escape from pain for one in exile;
There is no escape from dust
For one who lives in a dustbowl.
Let us be like the birds of paradise,
That fly about drinking sweet water.

We are surrounded by the forms
of a formless creator.
Enough with these forms!
Let us go to the Formless One.

Love is our steady guide
On this road full of hardships.
Even if the king offers you his protection,
It is better to travel with the caravan.

We are the rain that falls upon
a leaky roof-
let us miss the holes
and fall smoothly down the spout.

We are crooked bows
With strings that run from our head to toes;
Soon we will be straight
like an arrow in flight.
We run like mice when we see a cat –
yet we are the lion’s roar.
Let us become that Lion.

Let our souls
mirror the love of our Master.
Let us go before Him
With a handful of gifts.

Now let us be silent
So that the Giver of Speech may speak.
Let us be silent
So we can hear Him calling us
Secretly in the night….

We are surrounded by the forms
Of a formless Creator.
Enough with these forms!
Let us go to the Formless One!

(version of Rumi by Coleman Barks)

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